Scott’s Full Moon brew day 8-26-2024

I haven’t brewed this on in a while and can’t wait to have this on tap. I collected the water the night before, added the salts, and milled the grains. Setup the Anvil to be ready when I wake up in the am. Also used some new malts in this brew. Check out the recipe here.

@05:45 the water was at 152F(66.6C) and started to add in the grains to let it heat up to the 158F(70C) to start the timer. with 30 minutes left in the timer I gave the grain bed a good stir. 5 minutes left in the mash I turned the Anvil up to 167F(75C) and 100% power to mash out. @07:00 pulled the grain basket and started to drain the wort. Turned the Anvil up to 100% power and 212F(100C). @07:31 the wort hit 200F(93.3C) and pulled my typical 2 cups(450mL) of hot break.

@07:43 the boil started and added in the first addition. Not much to add to this one till the end so, sit around and waited 8). Tossed in the wort chiller and then added in the Coriander seed, Irish moss, and Yeast nutrient. Tossed in the Sweet orange peel with 5 minutes to go. Pulled a wort sample of 1.044SG and started to cool it down. Had a little issue my dump line was pinched and I had a blow out. Made the repair and started cooling only lost about 5 minutes. @08:53 was down to 130F(54.4C). @09:03 down to 94F(34.4C). @09:12 was down to 82F(27.7C) and started the transfer. @09:18 pitched the yeast at 72.7F(22.6C) and moved to the keezer. All cleaned up @09:29.

Really wanted to get this beer carbonated so @17:00 on August 8th I transferred to a keg. Pulled a gravity sample of 1.006SG which give me a 4.99% beer. Nice. Favor is tasty and can’t wait to taste cold and carbonated.

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