So this is my last brewing kit from The at the moment and its a really good one to end on. I’m still contributing just not at a recipe level. Reason behind that is looking to focus more on my recipes and fine tuning what I like. With that said brewing up a good Sierra Nevada Celebration Clone, recipe here. Collected the water the night before and also milled up the grains. Set the Anvil to start at 05:30 to ensure at temperature in the morning for me.

@06:10 add in the grains when the temperature of the water was around 142F(61C) as I have a lot of grains to add and figured let it rise up 10 degrees to 152F(66.6C) while the pump was going. @06:17 hit the 152F(66.6C) and started the timer. With 30 minutes left in the mash I stopped the pump and gave the grain bed a good stir. I’m not going to do a mash out on this batch and just pull the grains after the hour is up. Pulled the basket at the end and let it drain while cleaning some items. I had also at the time turned the Anvil up to 212F(100C) and 100% power to start working toward my boil. After a while of the wort draining I pulled the bag and cleaned the basket. Took a wort sample to 1.053SG and had about 7.2Gallons(27.2L) of wort. I didn’t pull my typically 2 cups of hot break and plan on dropping this for a few batches to see if I notice a difference.

@08:16 the boil started and added in the 60 minute addition. @08:46 added in the 30 minute addition. WIth 15 minutes left in the boil I added in the wort chiller and hooked up the garden hose and the drain and at the 10 minute mark added in the Irish Moss and yeast nutrient. At the end of the boil started the wort chiller and started to chill down the wort. Pulled a wort sample of 1.056SG and had about 6.7Gallons(25.3L) of wort. @09:23 wort was down to 128F(53.3C). @09:30 was down to 94F(34.4C). @09:39 was down to 78F(25.5C) and transferred over to my fermentor. Pitched the yeast at 09:45 and was all cleaned up by 09:55.

@07:13 on November 10th I pulled a gravity reading of 1.014 SG and dropped in the dry hops. There was no activity in the air lock for a few days now.

@08:20 on November 15th I decided it was time to transfer over to a keg. I didn’t cold crash this one. Since this is a well hopped beer I figured why do a cold crash. I didn’t use a mesh screen when I dry hopped so of course after getting the beer flowing into the keg I decided to rotate the arm and went a little too far. Ended up pulling a few chucks through and had to pop the disconnect off to clear it, near the end it got hard so got a little under 5 gallons as I was done fighting that. Placed in the refrigerator to carbonate up and chill out.