Coffee Lager Brew Day 1-9-22 UPDATED 1-23-22

So I do miss having all the details on my brew day located on one spot, this site. I do use for the recipes but was nice to refer back to photos and what nots. So today I’ll be brewing up a Vienna Lager with Coffee. Its inspired off a Coffee Lager I had over New Years the the crew over at, Merrimack Valley Homebrew club help me with the recipe.

Last night I started to collect my RO water of 7.3 gallons and was only able to pull 6 gallons before I had to go to bed so there was no wake up and dough in here. Got up at 6am and finished adding in my water and the salts required. Set controller to 152 and let it go.

While the water was heating up decided to do a little milling of the grains so they are all ready.

Once the temp was hit I dough-in and mashed for 60 mins. With about 5 mins left of the mash I cranked the temp up to 168 for 15 mins.

After the 15 minutes where up, I lifted the grain basket and allowed the wort to drain out. I squeezed the bag after a little time and removed. I tend to clean up while I wait for the next step so set the controller to 212 and started to clean up what I could for items. Got a 1.044 pre boil gravity reading which was right on with what BrewersFriend had calculated out.

Once the wort got to a boil, this recipe calls for a 90 min boil. Reason why is it uses Pilsner and helps drive off DMS. Some studies shows it doesn’t make a difference but its my common practice so I stick with it. 8) After 30 minutes passed I added in the 60 Min hop addition and the only hop addition.

Added in some yeast nutrition as I do in all my batches, only 1tsp, added in the chiller to sanitize the last 10 mins of the boil.

So I also typically pull about two cups of the hot break. Not sure if it really does anything but have pretty clear beer so Ill go with that 8)

Cooled down to about 68 with the wort chiller and transferred over to my anvil bucket fermentor. 5.5 gallons of wart and slight over shot of my OF but came in at 1.048 was expecting 1.047 that works for me. 8).

Pitched the yeast when wort was about 58 degrees and let it go. Ill update on when I add the coffee to this one. Still up in the air on what I want to do there.


So I ended up getting called into work and didn’t have the time to take photos. Either way I wanted to updated on what I ended up doing. I took 6 oz of coffee and coarse ground into three separate hop socks on after fermentation was complete. After 48 hours I cold crashed down to 45 degrees for three days. On day three I transferred via my no/low o2 transfer into purged kegs. I did take a sample and there is a nice coffee flavor here. Can’t can’t for the full carbonation, Look out for the review 8)

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