Oktoberfest Brew Day 4-3-2022

As always started the night before collecting the water. I also added in the salts as well. This round I backed my Acid addition off to 5 mL vs the normal 7.5 mL I do run. I know my recipe says 10 mL I just need to update. Also weighted out my grains as I purchased a bunch of grains to brew a bunch of beers 8). Sent them through the mill so they are all set for tomorrow morning.

Once I hit the 150 degrees F I added in the grains and started the pump. Waited about 10 minutes and pulled a sample to see what the PH is, which came in at 5.4, right on target.. I haven’t tested PH in a while. I’m definitely going to adjust my Phosphoric acid addition to the 5 mL and may even drop it all together on the next batch. Mid way though the mash I shut down the pump and gave the grain bed a stir. I typically don’t stir all the way down to the bottom usually about the top 2/3.

I did notice in my recipe I don’t have a mash out which I always perform so adding that back in and performing now. With about 5-10 mins left on the mash I crank the Anvil up to 100% and 168 degrees F and let it go for about 15 minutes. Usually the mash will sit at the 168 for about 5-10 mins before pulling the bag. At the end with the bag and the way I mash I tend to have really clear wort at the end of the mash

When I pull the grain basket Ill let it drip for a while than pull the ring and put the basket in at an angle. It seems to help run off and yes I squeeze the bag a little bit. I typically just twist the end and ring out the bag. Also after pulling the grain basket I crank the system up to 100% 212 degrees F. Pulled a sample and took a pre boil gravity reading, 1.041.

For those who have been reading my brew days knows at this point while I wait for the boil, once we get a little over 200 degrees F Ill pull about 2 cups of hot break out.

Got to a boil and started the 90 minute timer. Pulled out the hops and weighted out the two additions. After 30 minutes into the boil I started the hop schedule per the recipe along with any other additions required. After the boil got a sample of 1.048 right on to what BrewersFriend.com called for.

Chilled down wort to 68 degrees F and pitched the yeast and placed into my fermentation chamber at 48 degrees F. I ended up going 34/70 on this brew as its what I have on hand. I thought about using the Harrison Lager yeast sample but not sure how that is and need to make a yeast starter first. I clean as I go which helps me at the end. Cleaned up the rest of the equipment and than its a waiting game. 8)

One thought on “Oktoberfest Brew Day 4-3-2022

  1. UPDATE: Oktoberfest Brew Day 4-3-2022 – Dirty Bucket Brewing April 16, 2022 at 7:20 am

    […] brewing this Oktoberfest fermentation went very well. After realizing the issue I was having with the Cold crash Guardians, […]

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