Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone brew day 9-25-22

Finally getting back into brewing weekly and man did I miss this. Left Maine early this morning to get home to brew. I collected about 4 gallons of water the starting last week so I had it all ready when I got home from Maine. As soon as I got home ran to my brewery and added in the water, started the ro system to collect the rest of the water and started the Anvil to 152 F at 100% while collecting the last three gallons needed.

As the water was being collected and also heated up I milled up the grains for this brew and mashed in as soon as it hit 152 F. Started the 60 minute timer. At about 30 minutes into the brew I did my normal stir of the mash bed and let it finish out till about 10 minutes left of the mash I started to crank the Anvil up to 168 F to mash out.

As soon as the last 10 minutes finish up I pulled the grain basket and allowed to drain. Turned up the Anvil to 212 F 100% and let it go while draining. Of course did a squeeze near the end to get all the wort I can out of that mash. 8) While awaiting the boil when the wort got to about 200 F I waited and pulled my typical 2 cups of hot break off the top. Pulled a gravity reading of 1.041 SG, A little low then expected but close enough. Boil started and added hops per the recipe. 15 minutes left in the boil I added in my wort chiller to sanitize in the wort before chilling down. Took an OG of 1.046 SG. Added the flame out right when I killed the Anvil power and started the wort chiller.

After the wort chilled down to 75 F I transferred over to my fermentor and pitched the yeast. Ended up with 5.5 gallons of wort. Put some ice packs on the fermentor to pull down the rest of the way to the 65 F I want to ferment it at. Forgot to grab photos.

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