BREWDAY – 5-23-2020

Today Im brewing up a Swingin’ Blonde Ale by I received this kit as part of the Home Brew Happy Hour podcast. This is May’s kit.

Started the brew off with 6.5 gallons of water and added in 2 grams of Gypsum and 3 grams of Calcium chloride. Pulled 1 gallon after adding the salts to be heated up later for sparing.

Had A stuck mash in. Stirred up and let it rest for 10 mins and started pump good to go again.

Mash conversion efficiency was awesome at 78.3%. Onto the boil now. Collected 5.8 gallons of wort at 1.046. Looking for an OG of 1.048. Maybe slightly higher

Not bad brew day. Came in at 1.048 just shy of the 1.049 i wanted. Overall ended up with 5.25 gallons of wort and pitched A09 Imperial. Placed in my new fermentation chamber and set to 65 Degree F. Check back for updates as we go though the different stages to get it into the keg.

Ended the day with a few small spent grain breads. Never made them before and still need to tweak but getting there.


Ended up taking a reading on Saturday 5-30 and had a Final Gravity of 1.010 which is what is expected. It hasn’t moved so I decided to cold crash it for a day and than kegged it on Sunday. I ended up using my new no O2 transfer method which ill talk about in another post. So this beer is all kegged up and sitting in my fridge. I haven’t hooked up CO2 yet but did pressurize to seal the keg.

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