Vienna Lager brew day 6-20-2022

Very exciting brew on this one. A week or two back Gun Monkey Coffee Company reached out to see if I wanted to try their coffee in one of my brews. I was super exciting to hear this and after reading about the company even more excited. Anyone that supports are our troops I will stand with. They had asked about which coffee to send out and gave them a few that I would think would go good with this recipe. They ended out sending me out Battle Buddy. With all that lets jump into brewing this beer up. With this brew I basically cold brew the coffee in the beer once its done fermenting, I will course grind the coffee and place in a filter bag and put right in the beer. Watch out for the updates on this brew day to see that process.

So, as I normally do, I grab all the water required the night before. I started up my Anvil Foundry the night before and set the timer so when I woke up the water will be at temperature to mash in, 152 degrees f. Added in the salts the morning of which the water was up to about 145 degrees f. Ground up my grains in the am as well, luckily no one was home but me.

Once the Anvil hit the 152 degrees F I put the grains in and started my pump to get it circulating and started my 60 minute mash step. With about 30 minutes left in the mash I shut off the pump and stirred the grains. After the 60 minute mash was up, cranked up the Anvil to 168 degrees F to mash out and once at that temp for a few minutes I pull the basket and allow the grains to start draining and also crank up the Anvil to 212 degrees F 100%. Once the wort hit about 200 degrees F I pulled about 2 cups of hot break off the top. Hit 212 and started the 90 minute boil.

30 minutes into the boil I added the first 60 minute addition of hops. The last two brews I added in 2 oz of Saaz hops but on this brew backed it to 1 oz as I felt the coffee adds some bitterness and wanted to back it off a little bit. Just let the brew continue and checked it occasionally. With about 15 minutes left in the boil I added in the wort chiller and than 10 minutes left added in the Irish moss. No yeast nutrient on this round but I’m pitching 2 fresh packs of 34/70 so really no need. Pulled a sample (1.046sg) and one point off from my expected gravity of 1.047sg. Chilled the wort as fast as I could and added to the fermentor and pitched the yeast. Tossed in the chest freezer with the cold crash guardian on to prevent any suck back when I go to cold crash this.

Planning on adding in the coffee once fermentation is complete maybe next week. We will see. Stay tuned and also check out Gun Monkey Coffee Company

One thought on “Vienna Lager brew day 6-20-2022

  1. UPDATE: Vienna Lager brew day 6-20-2022 – Dirty Bucket Brewing September 26, 2022 at 12:43 pm

    […] out what I have done to this point here. Fermentation went off really well with the two packs of 34/70 and held at about 48 degrees F for […]

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