Dirty Bucket Session IPA Brew day 2-10-23

So this is going to be version number 2. I really enjoyed the first version of this so just going to try different hop combinations for the next few. Here is version 1’s notes. With that said, the night before I collected the water for a morning brew day. Also pulled the grains and sent them through the mill so I don’t have to do that tomorrow morning. The cool thing is tonight is Thursday and I have Friday off of work. Didn’t setup the timer as I wanted to sleep in, well as always, no sleeping in. Started the Anvil up at 100% and set to 158F (70C).

Once the mash temperature was reached, I added in the grains and started the 60 minute mash process. After about 30 minutes, I stopped the pump and gave the grain bag a good stir. I don’t go all the way down but I don’t think it would really matter as I use a bag vs the basket so no real need to set the grain bed. I’m just trying to get the wort moving around the grain pulling them sugars. With about 10 minutes left in the mash I turned the Anvil up to 100% and temperature to 168F(75.5C). By the time the last 8 minutes of the mash is up I’m at the 168F(75.5C) and let a 15 minute timer run to mash out. Typically I would do the last 10 minutes but since I’m at 158F(70C) I have a head start then were I normally start off, 152F(66.6C). At about 1 minute till the end of the mash I hit the 168F(75.5C).

After about 6 minutes sitting at 168F(75.5C) I pull out the grain bag and let it start draining. As it was draining cranked the Anvil up to 100%, 212F(100C). After the draining slowed down I pulled the basket and placed at an angle to help drain more wort out. Pulled a gravity sample once I got the grain bag out of the way and had a specific gravity reading of 1.040, which was only 1 point off where I was on the last version of this. Once I hit 200F(93C) I pulled off 1.5 cups of hot break.

Started the 60 minute boil timer and nothing really do to until the end of the boil with this brew. I’m thinking next version of this will be a 30 minute boil to save a little time. 15 minutes left of the boil I added in the wort chiller and at the 10 minute mark added in the yeast nutrient and Irish moss. I also toss that in as I have it why not. Cut the heat at the end of the boil and started the water flow. Pulled a gravity reading of 1.044 SG. Got the wort down to about 180F(82C) and added in my whirlpool addition and let it sit there for about 15 minutes before continuing down with the chilling of the wort. Once the wort was down to 68F(20C) transferred into my Anvil Bucket fermentor. While transferring the work I have my air pump going with HEPA filter to toss some O2 into the wort. Pitched yeast and hooked up my temperature problem. Wort was at 71F(21.6C) so I added an ice pack to the side to allow to cool down come more. Shooting for 65F(18C) for fermentation.

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