Well I have to first start off, I know I brewed this beer and came up with the recipe and have some thoughts on how it should be but my reviews are as honest as I can and try and keep an open mind while reviewing beers. I keep saying this and hopefully with the new year,. I need to do this more lol. I feel the biggest issue is I’m not confident in what I taste. Well, the more I do, the better I become? Maybe. I do at some point want to purchase the sensory kits and really understand the different off-flavors. Etc. With all that said lets get into this beer as I really want to take notes on this as I work through some renditions of it.
This beer started off with the mind set of lets make a good IPA that doesn’t have a lot of alcohol. This can be a challenge as some of you may know the low ABV can result in a watery , thin beer. I wanted to go for a New England style session IPA. Rough and hard style to brew and keep fresh. https://dirtybucketbrewing.com/?page_id=596#dearflip-df_2845/1/ Here is the recipe and brew session.
This brew is very pail stray in color with a slight haze, which was expected on this. It has a great white head that did last a decent amount of time and has good lacing on the glass. I’m pretty curious on keeping an eye on the color of the beer as it ages a little bit for signs of oxidation, more to come on that.
Aroma wise, when I first had this beer of the keg had a decent aroma that had definitely dropped off a bit and hard to explain. My nose isn’t the best, but get a faint grapefruit, almost like the peal when you peal it open.
Taste wise, surprisingly even though I didn’t add any bittering hops there is some good bitterness in this beer. I feel its not overboard and just about the right amount. After a lot of research on hops and bitterness it makes sense even though I didn’t boil the hops they still contributed to some bitterness. Overall a large smack of grapefruit on this brew. Overall the mouthfeel is spot on, what I was shooting for. Its has full mouthfeel even though we are around 4.5%. I really was worried that this maybe a water beer and being very light I had concerns but luckily not.
Over all this is a great IPA in my mind, easy to drink, tasteful, and ready for that next glass without feeling too light on the feet. I will be brewing this one again and next time I’m going to change up the hops to see what other flavors I can get out of this great beer.
[…] enjoyed the first version of this so just going to try different hop combinations for the next few. Here is version 1’s notes. With that said, the night before I collected the water for a morning brew day. Also pulled the […]
As I’m kegging up version two of this, I’m drinking this beer. It still really good and almost gone. Its dropped clear and still has the grapefruit flavor, aroma is gone, not much there.