Check out the brew day here.

Appearance: Murkey dull golden to brown with a nice white head that stuck around. Also had good lacing.
Aroma: Like most beers I don’t get much on the nose
Flavor: Starts off with this fruit-ish flavor and quickly turns to this sharp bitterness that I don’t like and can’t get any other flavor out of it other then a hop flavor I can’t really describe other then I know its a hop flavor, maybe green hop flavor?
Mouthfeel: Very dry beer, the bitterness lingers a little bit and rolls the edge of my tongue and wash away leaving a very dry mouth.
Overall, not a beer I like, That sharp bitterness I don’t get much out of it. I killed the glass but it was more caused by the dry mouth making me go for another sip. I also feel this beer maybe oxidized as a few weeks ago I remember liking this beer but got to review a little too late?