BREWDAY – 5-31-2020

Ok. As of this morning, and as I write this, I still don’t have my ingredients but they are out on the truck for delivery. So this morning I figured Ill get started with the process. I added it into my account and added in 6.5 gallons of water into my Anvil and stirred in my salts to go for a balanced flavor. There are a lot of adjuncts in this recipe. I have decided to brew today Sons of Liberty Winter Lager. I also prepared a started in which I added 1 liter of water and 5 grams of LME. Boiled for 10 mins and added 2 tsp of yeast nutrients. Everything is all set to go as of 10:30AM EST. Check back later to see if I’m on brewing.

Its starting. Woot Woot. Will update soon. A lot to get caught up with and can’t post just yet. But its a go

Since I had my yeast starter all ready, I quickly pitched the yeast and brought the water temp up to 152 degrees. Added in the grains and let rest for 10 minutes and started the pump. Monitored and adjusted the flow until it settled in. About 22 min left in the mash I gave it one more stir. Turned up the temp to 168 when there was about 8 mins left.

Extracted about 5.5 gallons and pulled a higher than expected pre boil gravity. Added a little more water to the 5.8 gallon mark and hit my expected pre boil of 1.044. Set to a boil and cleaned up the grains. Not sure what I may do with these grains yet.

Boil went good and added 1 whirlfloc tablet at about 10 minutes. Other than that followed the direction. Sanitized my fermenter and cooled the wort down. Will put in freeze until gets to about 52 degrees than I will pitch the yeast.

Ok pitched the yeast a few hours later. Checked the status the next morning and the air lock is bubbling away.

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