Dirty Bucket Session IPA Brew Day 4-30-23

This is a third version of this hops series I’m going through to check out different hop combos to really see what I link. I have decided to go with Mosaic/Citra combo based on a comment on the HomeBrewHappyHour.com Facebook group. Collected the water the night before and got all my grains setup and milled the night before.

Next morning added in the grains once the water hit the 158F(70C) I was shooting for. Started the timer and the pump and let it circulate for 30 minutes before I shut the pump off gave the grain bed a good stir, about 3/4 the way down and started the pump again to finish up the mashing process. At the end of the mash, turned the Anvil up to 168F(75.5C) to mash out for 15 minutes. Pulled the grain basket and started to drain the wort off, cranked the Anvil up to 212F(100C) Once the wort slowed down to an almost nothing drip, I pulled the grain basket and tilted it on an angle to finish draining out.

Once the wort got to about 200F(93C) I pulled my typical 2 cups of hot break off the top and continued to work the way to the boil. This brew is pretty simple, at 10 minutes left added in the yeast nutrient and irish moss, along with my wort chiller. At the end of the boil is when it all happens. 8) End of the boil I kicked on the chiller to get the wort down to about 180F(82C) and then added in the 4 oz of hops and let rest for about 20 minutes and proceeded to chill down the rest of the way. Transferred over to fermentor and pitched the yeast while pumping in air through a HEPA filter.

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