BREWDAY – 6-29-2020 — UPDATED

Today ill be brewing 8-Bit Wit Beer. Started off with 6.75 gallons of water added in my Campden tablet along with 2g of Gypsom and 3g of Calcium Chloride. Removed my 1 gallon of water for sparging and heated to 156, added grains and set to 152 for 75 mins.

After 70 min. I started to crank the temp up to 168 degrees to start the sparging process.

After all that I ended up with a really bad mash efficiency. Oh well. Plowing a head. Came in at 1.041 pre boil and was expecting 1.048. Not far off but off. Some reason Brewers friend is giving me a 18% efficiency. Now onto the 90 min boil

Added in per directions with the exception of the Camomile tea which i don’t have. After talking with that is fine and I ended up add in a full 1oz of bitter orange peel and also .5 of crushed coriander.

Cooled and pitched the yeast and set at 68 degrees for 5 days and than ill slowly bring up to 72 before cold crashing. The yeast on this one is Imperial Gnome B45 with is a Belgian ale yeast.

Took a reading the other day and ended fermentation with a 1.010 so it came in at 4.59%. Today I’m transferring over to the keg after a cold crash to 38 degrees. I ended up pulling some chunks pulled through so had to clear and continued with my transfer method via co2 pushing into keg. Its nice with the cold crash as I can see the level as the keg is filling up from the temperature difference. Ill put this on co2 and will bring it up near maybe next weekend or the following.

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