BREWDAY – 6-30-2020 – UPDATED

Today I’m brewing my wifes Favorite beer. Happy Little Hops and here is the brew session

Going to use the same steps as before so lets see if I can duplicate this. Started off with 6.4 gallons of water and added 1/4 campden, 2g Gyspum and 4g of Calcuim. Pulled my normal 1 gallon and heated the water

Set to 153 and dropped to 152 and added grains. Let rest for about 10 mins before starting the pump.

Took a PH reading at about 12 mins in and was at 5.5 which I’m happier with. Took a Gravity reading to see where i’m at and was at 1.040 which is good so add in the gallon should drop me to 1.037. With about 8 mins left i turned up the heat to 168 at full power with the pump going to do my mash out. Right at the 60 min timer I was only at 153 degrees.

So I wanted to note in this and other brews, turn the pump up till it maintains a nice light cover on the lid. I haven’t gotten a stuck mash and my efficiency seems to be better. Well lets see after the mash out and sparge. 8)..

Mashed out and collected about 5.8 gallons of wort at 1.037, which was what I needed. I ended up adding a quart of water additional to hit the 5.8.

Ah the hot break is coming the question is to pull or not to pull. I just pull because its something to do while I wait for it to hit a boil. I have noticed my beer being clearer since I have done this but not sure if it is something I’m looking for. Oh well, I pull it lol.

When boil was complete cooled down to 175 degrees and shut of chiller added in the hops and whirlpooled for 15 minutes. Once completed the chiller will be turned back on to chill down to 65-70 degrees.

So after a week I took a readying of 1.004 so I decided to dry hop on 7-7. on 7-12 at night I had moved the fermentor to my chest freezer and started to cold crash this. Ill transfer it tomorrow while brewing.

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