HBR – Smash the Galaxy

Here is a link to the brew day. Here is the recipe and the Brewers friend printout, take a look at the brew. Again, I’m not the best at description a beer but only way to figure it out is to test myself. I’m thinking about getting some commercial beers that are in the BJCP guidelines and review those to try and expand on my knowledge on description the flavors, etc….

Appearance: The head didn’t last long but there is some good lacing going on the glass. Its definitely not a clear beer, does have a nice golden color though. Holds a very good haze 8)

Aroma: Getting a citrus fruit on the nose with this and that is about it.

Taste/Mouthfeel: It has a real clean flavor up front but is over come with bitterness and almost a hint of grapefruit. After you swallow there is a drying of my mouth. Bitterness isn’t that bad, its there but not a big punch in the face bitterness. Overall mouthfeel is full body with a nice coating in the mouth.

Overall Impression: I definitely like this brew, Now I’m not a big IPA man, but my wife is, so I do tend to brew some of these. I have been enjoying these the more I brew them. I’m not a big fan of the bitter bombs but give me a good balanced IPA I’m in. This beer is great and once you get started its easy to put down. The downside of this brew is its another higher ABV at 6%, not as bad as a 7% but these are maybe 1 or 2 and that is it. Not sure of anything I would change, maybe my brewing salts to see if I can get the hops to pop a little more but that could be because I’m doing this almost 3 months after brewing. Still good.

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