Bob Toot’S Cream Ale brew day 7-25-22

Its definitely been a few weeks since I last posted and not only posted but brewed. Defiantly a busy month but finally back at it. Haven’t been going through as much beer this summer either but hopefully that will change soon.

As I normally do I gathered the water and the salts the night before and also ground up my grains and set the Anvil to 152 degrees F and set for a 9 hour delay. I’m hoping to wake up and be close to mash in. Did have a slight issue with the flaked corn and rice jammed up my mill a few times, the down side of the flake adjuncts mixed in with the un milled grain. I usually mix up the bag really well to mix up the flaked adjuncts and grain so they are not in large quantity together, usually stops the jam ups but forgot to mix this time. Oh well got it through 8).

Woke up the next morning to have the water close to temperature which allowed me to have my cup of coffee before I started for the day. 8) I than added in the grains and waited about 20 minutes and gave it a good stir in the upper part of the mash bed and let the mash finish out till about 10 minutes left in the mash. At that point I cranked the temperature up to 168 degrees F. Pulled the grains and had a little over 6 gallons of wort and took a gravity reading(1.042) which came in a little under than what was expected(1.045) which I’m find with. Love these only 60 min addition brews as once boil has started its just the matter of waiting to add the wort chiller and cool.

Added in the wort chiller, yeast nutrient and Irish moss. After the boil was complete turned on the cold water and started to chill down the wort. Not sure how far I can cool it down with the town water but we will find out. Water temp is around 73 degrees right now. Cooled down to 76 and pitched the Imperial A07 flagship. When I got this yeast a few weeks ago it was during a hot spell and the pack was pretty bloated. Will see if it takes off. Moved over to my keezer and set temp at 66 degrees.

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