HBR -Coffee Vienna Lager

You can learn about the brew day of this beer and how I came up with the recipe over here


So I have finally been able to sit down and really evaluate this beer. I have been taking little samples here and there and tasting it as it went along. I was sampling it and the coffee flavor was really strong at first but now has mellowed out which isn’t a bad thing, its still there. I’m almost a month out from when I brewed this beer and here is where it stands.

Appearance: copper-ish color and very hazy, I’m assuming this haze is from the 6 oz of coarse ground coffee during dry hop and the oils off of it. I will update if the haze clears up as I work through the keg. As you can see in the picture it had a one finger head white head to start off but didn’t last long but did have some decent lacing.

Aroma: Definitely picking up a coffee aroma and a light sweet note that I can’t put my finger on, maybe a hint of green apple but also I could be looking for something that isn’t there and even trying to put a name to what I’m smelling as I don’t taste it.

Taste: clean malty flavor that then pulls in a coffee with a bitter drying finish, kept me going back from another sip. Maybe a little over carbonated but not getting a carbonic bite.

I was trying for a coffee beer here and I think I hit it. Coming in at 5.5% may want to back off on the malt build a little bit, even though it showed this should have come in around 4.6% on brewersfriend.com, it finished drying then expected. I could also keep the same malt build and drive up the mash temp to see if I can raise the finish gravity, not sure yet on that. Also I really like the coffee flavor early on and it has knocked off a little bit so next batch maybe 8 or 9 oz of coffee. I really need to find some really good fresh coffee local around here.

Definitely going to work on this recipe a little more and get some additional feedback before brewing again but I just hammered down this glass and looking for another so got to say 8 out of 10 from me. I will update down the road with this beer as I’m curious if that coffee flavor turns to a peppery flavor.

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