Billy B’s Harrison Lager Brew Day 4-16-2022

This brew day was in the making starting on April 10 when I decided for this brew I wanted to reuse some yeast I had collected on my last Harrison Lager brew, I had collected a few 8oz jars of trub. So with that I decided to do a yeast starter to ensure the yeast was good to go and I had enough. Added in 1200 mL of water and 120 Grams of DME, brought to a boil and added in 1 tsp of yeast nutrient. Chilled down and added in a jar of the slurry and awaited.

The night before gathered the 7 gallons of water and added in the salts as per the recipe. The difference with this one is I’m not going to set the timer but rather start it before I got out in the am. So when I get home I can jump right into brewing.

Fired up my Anvil and went shopped and got back in under an hour and had a wait a little bit for the temperature to hit the 150 but that’s all good. Once I hit the 150 degrees F put the grains in and started the mash. I’m looking to do a really quick brew day today so I guess we will see how I do. Started at 7:30 am. 32 minutes into the mash I stopped the flow and gave the mash a good stir but left about the 1/3 of the bed alone at the bottom.

With 10 minutes left in the mash I turned up the temp to 168 and 100% and let it run. Pulled up grain basket and let it drain while I cleared out than cleaned the pump and hose. Tilted the basket after the dripping stopped to pickup a bunch more wort and then gave the bag a good twist and hold. Turned the Anvil up to 212 and put in my hop basket.

Came in at 1.040 which is a little under what was expected 1.041. Still happy with that and a little over what was expected for gallons. Boil started up and added in the first hop addition, known as the bittering addition and followed the recipe from there.

I had the yeast starter in my fridge this morning so right before the end of the boil I pulled it out and put it on the stir plate to mix it all up to pitch in once the wort is chilled down. This recipe has a lot of hop additions and may look at combined a few, will see. Pulled the OG of 1.043 and expected 1.045 so a few points off but not going to sweat it. Id rather be a little under than a lot over. Chilled down, transferred to the fermentor and pitched the yeast starter. I thought about decanting it but decided against it and pitched the entire thing. Set to 58 degrees and cleaned up the equipment. Another brewday complete and a little over 3.5 hours. Made pretty good timing. I can probably cut almost an hour out if i switch to 220 maybe.

One thought on “Billy B’s Harrison Lager Brew Day 4-16-2022

  1. UPDATE: Billy B’s Harrison Lager Brew Day 4-16-2022 – Dirty Bucket Brewing April 29, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    […] is an update of this brew day. Fermentation kicked right now within 24 hours. I was a little nervous about the yeast as this was […]

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